Why the Gender Wage Gap Might Ruin the Future U.S. Economy

Women earning less over the course of their careers could spell poverty in retirement—and affect the entire U.S. economy. By Lydia Dishman, Reposted from Fast Company Just ahead of Equal Pay Day (April 12) Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), ranking member of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC) released a new report that takes another [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:30-07:00April 18th, 2016|Exclusives, Featured, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on Why the Gender Wage Gap Might Ruin the Future U.S. Economy

Happy (UN)Equal Pay Day!

Women Can’t Wait Until 2059 For Equal Pay The Pay Gap Adds Up! By Laura Bates, Founder - The Everyday Sexism Project (article reposted via TIMEIdeas) April 12 marks Equal Pay Day—symbolizing how far into the year women have to work on average before their earnings catch up with what men earned in the previous [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:30-07:00April 12th, 2016|Exclusives, Featured, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on Happy (UN)Equal Pay Day!

Happy Pay Equity Week! Even though….

The Gender Pay Gap Has Barely Budged Since the ’90s. By Stephanie Hallett, reposted from msmagazine.com Each year in April we mark the passage of Equal Pay Day—in 2016 it falls on April 12—a symbolic date that marks how far into the year women must work to finally make as much as men were paid the previous [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:29-07:00April 11th, 2016|Educate, Exclusives, Featured, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on Happy Pay Equity Week! Even though….

Why Gender Balance Can’t Wait

By Michel Landel, CEO, Sodexo The World Economic Forum’s recent Global Gender Gap Report 2015 gives us a wealth of detail about the continued worldwide imbalance in gender equality and what it means for the future. In some areas the news is good. Political representation, for example, has made great strides in the 10 years [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:29-07:00April 7th, 2016|Exclusives, Featured, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on Why Gender Balance Can’t Wait

Six myths about women in the workplace that you probably fell for

By Amanda Bennett, Contributing Columnist for The Washington Post In Theory Opinion Mythology isn’t very kind to strivers. Icarus flies too close to the sun and gets melted back to earth. Prometheus steals fire and ends up chained to a rock with eagles pecking out his liver. Adam grabs for knowledge he shouldn’t possess and … [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:27-07:00March 31st, 2016|Educate, Exclusives, Featured, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on Six myths about women in the workplace that you probably fell for

6 Ways We Can Support New Working Moms (& Dads too)!

New mothers are often not ready to just pick up where they left off at work. Their employers need to know and respond to this. By Elaine Davidson, WorkingMother.com The weeks leading up to the end of  maternity leave and the first weeks back at work are undoubtedly the most difficult for many working mothers. Organizations—and [...]

2019-07-09T22:22:05-07:00December 29th, 2015|Educate, Exclusives, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on 6 Ways We Can Support New Working Moms (& Dads too)!

9 Things You Can Do TODAY to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Executive Roles

"Women are still underrepresented at every level in the corporate pipeline. Many people assume this is because women are leaving companies at higher rates than men or due to difficulties balancing work and family. However, our analysis tells a more complex story: women face greater barriers to advancement and a steeper path to senior leadership." [...]

2019-07-09T22:21:54-07:00October 7th, 2015|Educate, Exclusives, Gender Balance & Advocacy, LWG Lean In Circles|Comments Off on 9 Things You Can Do TODAY to Increase the Number of Women in Senior Executive Roles

What Works for Women at Work Series: Tug of War

                     What Works for Women at Work Part 4: Tug of War Gender bias can fuel conflict amongst women. Learn to navigate this form of bias—and help others do so. By Joan C. Williams, Distinguished professor of law at the University of California, Hastings College of [...]

2019-07-09T22:21:51-07:00September 23rd, 2015|Educate, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on What Works for Women at Work Series: Tug of War

What Works for Women Series: The Tightrope

Learn how to navigate the tightrope between between being perceived as too “masculine” and too “feminine” By: Joan C. Williams, Distinguished professor of law at the University of California, Hastings College of Law and co-author of What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know                [...]

2019-07-09T22:21:50-07:00September 17th, 2015|Educate, Exclusives, Gender Balance & Advocacy|Comments Off on What Works for Women Series: The Tightrope
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