A Conversation with Local Government Icon: Bonnie Svrcek,
By Pamela Antil, City Manager, Encinitas, CA
This interview is the next in the League’s “Icons in Local Government” series. In this edition, the League caught up with Bonnie Svrcek, retired City Manager, Lynchburg, VA and Executive Director of the Virginia Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute. In this article, Bonnie reflects on the inspiration for the VA Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute, advice to her younger self, and 3 fast facts about Bonnie.
Bonnie Svrcek
What are you most proud of achieving in your career?
Three Things (in no priority order!):
1) Giving my best every day to my community and workplace family.
2) Serving as the 99th President of ICMA and creating the ICMA Task Force on Women in the Profession
3) Creating the Virginia Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute and serving as its Executive Director.
What inspired you to create the VA Women’s Leadership
After repurposing myself from a 40-year career in local government management, I was asked by the Virginia Women Leading Government chapter leaders to convene a focus group of women in VA to learn how we could strengthen the pipeline of women aspiring to become local government leaders.

Back row (L to R): Mellanie Shipe, Town of Strasburg; Amanda Paez, City of Danville; Marci Stone, City of Roanoke; Kelly Henshaw, City of Winchester; Kendra Hayden, Smyth County; Freda Starnes, Scott County; Tammie Cleary, Town of Smithfield; Cecile Rosenbaum, Town of Saltville; Second row (L to R): Beverley Bowers, Alleghany County; Heather Schott, York County; Amanda DiMeo, Staunton; Sara Crawford, Charlotte Court House; Michelle Bixler, Woodstock; Olivia Hilton, Mount Jackson; Octavia Andrew, Leesburg; Front row (L to R): Sybil El-Amin Jones, City of Richmond; Debbie Kendall, Gordonsville; Aleea Slappy Wilson, Norfolk; Michelle Clark, Isle of Wight; Holly McGowan, West Point; Amanda Six, Hanover County; Kelly Moore, Sussex County; Stephanie Straub, Orange County, Melanie Zipp, City of Fairfax; Rachel Smith, James City County; Bonnie Svrcek, Executive Director
The conversation with these women made it clear they wanted more focused development on topics like building confidence, public speaking, negotiating skills, expectations of elected officials of their chief administrative official (CAO), getting the job, and leadership/executive presence.
Curriculum created. Format developed. Fundraising complete. Instructors identified. Institute announcement released. In 2022, the VA Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute was born in partnership with the Virginia Tech Roanoke Regional Center. We just finished the 2024 cohort and are preparing to launch the 2025 cohort call for applications in the next several weeks.
VWMLI stands on the shoulders of similar programs in Oregon, Michigan, Texas, and Washington and we are grateful to their leadership for helping Virginia build its program. Together we are moving the needle on gender balance in our communities.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t be distracted by the majority. Always sit at the table. Embrace every opportunity to lead. Have no regrets.
What is a book title that you recommend that everyone read and why?
How Women Rise by Sally Helgeson and Marshall Goldsmith because it includes practical advice on how to break habits that prevent success for women.
What are 3 Fast Facts about you?
- I own a very small side hustle business called Good Karma Fibers, selling hand-dyed yarn at local fiber festivals and yarn shops.
- I always use the word repurposed rather than retirement.
- Even in my repurposed years, I overcommit.