A Conversation with Local Government Icon: Rebecca Ryan, General Manager, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Australia

By Pamela Antil, City Manager, Encinitas, CA

This interview is the next in the League’s “Icons in Local Government” series. In this edition, the League caught up with Rebecca Ryan, General Manager, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Australia. In this article, Rebecca reflects on her public service career, setting boundaries, and some fast facts about her.

What are you most proud of achieving in your career or current position?

Rebecca Ryan, General Manager, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Australia

Engaging with our Council, community, and staff to get through a Special Rate Variation process, successfully in 2022/23.

Achieving from a Concept to funding and delivering The World’s Largest Virtual Solar System Drive being constructed in 2009 at Warrumbungle Shire Council, in Coonabararan, home to Siding Spring Observatory.

Funding and constructing the Central West Livestock and Equestrian Centre at Blayney, in NSW in 2019.

Positively changing the culture of the staff and Council at Blayney Shire Council, and throughout a proposed merger, then no merger, Drought, COVID and other change ensuring that the organisation maintained its focus on business as usual, to deliver significant capital works and infrastructure projects on time and on budget.

There have been lots of articles about the value of mentors, as well as advocates and sponsors in women’s careers. Who has been an advocate, mentor, or sponsor for you? How did they help you in your career?

I have a few long-standing General Manager colleagues who have either encouraged me to nominate on our Insurance Mutual Board in 2017, which I served on for 4 years and was Chair for 2 years; reviewed my resume, given me the confidence to change jobs, and suggested I nominate for the Regional VP ICMA role.  Also, my first Mayor and Council (all men) who gave me my first General Manager’s role in 2014. My husband is my best supporter, he listens, encourages, and makes me believe in myself.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

How to set yourself boundaries when you are at home and not at work.

 What is a book title that you recommend that everyone read and why?

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. It is a fantastic story and a reminder of how Women were (and sometimes still are) treated and expected to work in professional areas.

What are 3 Fast Facts about you?

  1. Family is the most important thing in my life, I have been married for 34 years, and have 2 amazing boys who are now young men with their own amazing partners, one has 2 children so I am a grandmother!
  2. I get imposter syndrome.
  3. I love gardening.
