Nominations Open for the 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award


By Editor

The League of Women in Government and Polco are proud to announce that nominations are now open for the 2024 Annual Leadership Trailblazer Award. The award recognizes an accomplished woman who is a leader in the local government profession and has inspired other women to achieve executive-level positions as well. The 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award will recognize an accomplished local government woman who has demonstrated leadership excellence and has mentored and championed other women within the profession.

The award is important as women are still widely underrepresented in top government positions. As of 2023, only 23% of city managers, county managers, and chief administrators in the US were women according to the International City and County Management Association (ICMA) database. One way to encourage more women to seek local government leadership positions is by recognizing those who are trailblazers in the profession.
“We are excited to see this year’s nominees,” said Susan Thorpe, LWG Executive Board President. “If previous years are any indication, we expect to see an outstanding group of nominations for 2024.”

To submit a nomination, fill out the form on the Polco website (link below) and describe how your nominee has promoted or inspired women to become local government leaders. A panel of judges from LWG and Polco will review each nomination to select up to ten finalists and one winner.

The Leadership Trailblazer Award will be presented during the 2024 Women’s Luncheon held during the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Annual Conference, September 21- 25, 2024,  in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This year’s winner will be inducted into the League of Women in Government Hall of Fame alongside 2023 winner Valmarie Turner Deputy City Manager, Fairfax, VA, 2022 winner Anne Marie Gaura, Town Manager, Lincolnwood, Il, 2020 winner Vanessa Donovan Hale, Assistant Town Administrator, Southborough, MA; 2019 winner Lori Sassoon, City Manager of Norco, CA; and 2018 winner Opal Mauldin-Jones, City Manager of Lancaster, TX.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Nomination forms may be submitted by someone other than the nominee. You may not nominate yourself.
  • Nominees must hold a local government leadership position, such as City Manager/Administrator, County Manager/Administrator, Assistant City or County Manager, or Deputy City or County Manager.
  • Elected officials or retired individuals are not eligible.
  • Nominees must have served at least eight years in a leadership role.
  • Past nominees are eligible to be nominated again.
  • LWG board members are not eligible to be nominated.

The League strongly encourages nominees to attend the ICMA conference in Pittsburgh so the winner may receive her award in person.

Nomination Deadline – August 2, 2024. The 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award will be presented during the Women’s Luncheon held during the International City/County Management Association Conference September 21- 25, 2024,    in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Nominate a colleague HERE.