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By Elke Doom

My municipal career began with a temporary position in the City Clerk’s office processing absentee ballots. Fast forward through the last twenty plus years, I became a full time employee, department head and elected official, as well as (after years of night school and an MA in Public Administration), a City Manager. Looking back I wouldn’t change one thing.

What have I learned?

Not to listen to those who would discourage me from reaching my goals. If you are held back from advancing in your job then move on! Not only will it enrich your professional experience, it will give you a new perspective and insights into other municipal cultures and leadership styles.

I have been fortunate to work for a wide range of management styles from excellent to amazingly bad.  I say fortunate because my experiences have shaped the leader I am today.  My experience has taught me a number of valuable lessons.

The most important?

Managers manage people, leaders lead.

Respect and trust have to be earned.

Be yourself.

And above all, keep a sense of humor, you will need it!


Elke Doom most recently served as the City Manager of Princeton, WV after having served in other municipalities including York Township, MI and Huron Township, MI.